I am Aldo Carmona Founder and Owner of Carmona Locksmith Corp. The company was create in 2024 with the objective of making locksmith service more convinience to the local community of Eunice, Opelousas and around areas, with the certification of ALOA and The Louisiana Fire Marshal Office We have more than enogh credential to offer you a professional service with a high quality. So if you ever need a key programing or cutter for your house automobil or commercial Property call us.
My Story
In 2023 I became interested on this Locksmith world because my little baby brake the key of my wife car so I had to replace it. I remember to be so fasinate for the craftman work that I said I want to learn, and here we are after 1 year training now I do have my company we pround serve the local community.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.